Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Voice of Creation

Our older boys play baseball on Saturday mornings;  we signed them up at our local YMCA, and the games are played right down the street at our town's middle school.  It's usually a hectic time for me  with two boys on two different teams; sometimes they play at different times, but sometimes they play at the same time on different fields, and they never play each other.  It's definitely a challenge when you factor in keeping our little guy occupied in the stroller for up to 2 hours at a time, but I try to make it enjoyable for all involved, and usually we do okay.  This morning actually went better than I expected, and I was able to relax and take in some of Micah's game.  Micah's coach is really good with the kids, and he has taken to allowing Samuel to be a base coach on the days his game is at a later time.  That leaves me and my little man to cheer on the sidelines. 
This morning I parked the stroller right next to the dugout just in time for the game to begin;  there seemed to be less of a crowd then usual which made it calmer and more peaceful.  I like the Y program because they don't keep score; it's not competitive in any way;  it's just fun.  Every player gets up to bat in every inning and there are no strikes;  it is a slow paced family game in which every child is made to feel like a slugger...I like that. 
As I sat there watching and feeding Jude his favorite game time snack - ice chips - I caught part of a conversation going on amongst a small group of people seated next to us.  I wasn't trying to eavesdrop, but what I heard was an argument between a man and woman, and they weren't really being quiet about it.  The man said, "So I heard that you don't believe in God??..."  The woman said, "So what?  No, I don't believe in God!"  The man went on to argue for God, there was a bit of back and forth, and then the woman turned to what I presume was the man's wife and said, "How can you live with this man?!?!?" 
It wasn't a heated argument but one in which you could tell there wasn't much respect for each other, or each other's view point.  I tried to turn my attention back to the game, but I found myself pondering the arguments I heard both for and against God.  As I did this, I looked around at the kids on the field, I looked up to the blue sky dotted with cotton ball clouds, I saw a bird fly by, and I glanced the chubby toes of my toddler resting on the edge of the stroller.  I couldn't help but to think about how I could see God everywhere;  His touch is on every bit of creation.  I couldn't help but think about this woman sitting next to me who was so vehemently denying the existence of her Creator;  how is it that some eyes refuse to see Him? 
I don't have an answer to that, but when we got home, after lunch was served and nap time began, I sat down with my bible.  I turned to my reading for today, and believe or not, this is what it said:

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.  Day after day they pour forth speech;  night after night they display knowledge.  There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.  Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the end of the world. "
Psalm 19:1-4

With every turn of our head, we can see the proclamation of God's glory; creation speaks of Him continually.  I don't understand the blindness that some people have;  I don't understand the rationalization of those who deny Him, but I know they do because I saw it first hand this morning.

I am thanking God today that His Presence, His beauty, and His existence are clear to me.  I am praying for the woman sitting next to me this morning, and for those like her who, for whatever reason, have blinders over their eyes; those who are unable to see Him, and to feel His Presence. 

Every intricate detail that surrounds us, every flower that blossoms, every bird that soars through the sky, everything in all of creation sings to us of His glory.  If you are having a hard time seeing that, or if you don't know what to believe in, or if you are unsure of His existence at all...whatever the wall that blocks you from Him...I ask you to pray to Him.  Pray that He will remove the blinders from your eyes, pray that He will help you to see and feel that He is who He says He is.  Sincerely pray to God that He might help you to see clearly the world around you, so that you may experience fully the call of all creation;  there is "no speech or language where it's voice is not heard."  Our God, who loves you with a never ending, unconditional love, will answer you when you turn to Him;  don't except denial.  Look into your children's eyes, look to the mountains and the trees, to the ocean, to the birds, to the beauty all around you, and understand that none of it "accidentally" happened...we have a Creator who loves you and is waiting for you to open your eyes and see Him.     
"Through Him all things were made;  without Him nothing was made that has been made."  John 1:3

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