Friday, July 6, 2012

Days Like This

Whenever I have an overwhelming day, that old song runs constantly through my head:
"Momma said there'd be days like this...there'd be days like this, my momma said..."
Well, it has been on continuous play for the past 4 days;  did Momma say there'd be weeks like this???

Our 18 month old has had ear trouble since he was 6 weeks old, and this week has brought about our latest bought of pain and infection.  He had tubes put in at six months, and while they do their job of draining when seems like they are needed constantly.  Just about every week I can count on hearing our 5 year old say, "EWWW Mommy, Jude's ears are gross again!"  This week has been particularly bad, and  the antibiotics  have somehow transformed my usually happy baby into a monster child.  It is almost more than I can handle.  Those of you out there who have dealt with miserable, colicky babies, or high strung, strong-willed children know the struggle of trying to get ANYTHING done (especially out in public);  I thought those days were behind me, but oh...I was so wrong.  On this week filled with celebrations, baseball practices, swimming lessons, and doctors appointments, my screaming, flailing, miserable child has tested my patience, my physical strength, and my sanity.

"Momma said there'd be days like this..." 

I have come very close to losing it the past few days, and I as wrestled a screaming, kicking Jude into his car seat this morning in front of  the dentist's office, it suddenly hit me...I can't do this anymore.  I have been on the brink of a meltdown for days, and the on-the-ground-screaming fit that caused a bloody lip in the dentist's waiting room propelled me over the edge.  I'm done.  As patiently as I could, I buckled the buckles, took an extra breath as I walked around to my side of the car, turned the key and blasted the Veggie Tales cd for the 4 minute drive home.  A cup of milk, a blankie, the crib, and 30 minutes later, there is peace. 
I'm waiting on the ENT to call;  I'm hoping for some antidote for the monster- child serum he prescribed because I HAVE to believe that either the meds are making him crazy, or they are not working all together and pain is possessing his body...this new version of Jude is not acceptable. 

Unfortunately life is filled with days and weeks "like this";  sometimes it feels like trial after trial comes your way, and you sit there, shaking, wondering what you can do to fix it or to change it.  For me, when life gets overwhelming and the song is on repeat in my mind, there's a verse that I cling to, and over the tune and the shakiness I hear these words,  "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.  For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix on eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."  (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)
Our troubles on this earth are "light and momentary"...they sure don't feel that way at times though, do they?  I might feel as though the screaming fits will never end, that the stares from strangers judging my parental tactics will burn through me for eternity...but it's just temporary.  You probably find yourself in the middle of a completely different trial...thinking it's never going to will.  Yes, Momma said there'd be days like this, but God says "Take heart...I know it's tough, but it's only temporary....and the glory I have in store for you will last forever".  Think on that for a while.   

I had to pray today for patience and compassion for my screaming baby.  It's not his fault he is out of sorts, but it is still wearing on mommy who can't understand or fix what's wrong.  My mom did tell me that there would be days like this, and I am so thankful my God gives me the encouragement and strength that I need to make it through.  I thank God that the troubles we face...some much more serious than a screaming baby...are truly "light and momentary" for the Maker of All Things who promises to rescue us, and to save us, and to provide for us eternity in His presence. 

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