Sunday, July 8, 2012

Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs

I've had quite a bit of trouble concentrating this week;  between my screaming baby, my older two who have been fighting constantly, and all of the activities we've had going on, I feel slightly disconnected from God.  I know exactly why that is:  I have put other things ahead of my quiet time;  I've allowed life to take over and I've put Jesus on the back burner for a few days.  It's not good, and I can see the effects rippling through our house.  
At church this morning there was a guest vocalist who led the worship time.  She was incredible, and I found myself just standing there lost in the tone of her voice, and in the words coming out of her mouth.  I've always been slightly envious of those gifted with an amazing voice because while I still struggle to figure out what my gift is, theirs seems so obvious, and when used to glorify God, it shines so brightly. 

I love music; I love when a song tells a story that touches me personally.  I don't care about who is popular and who's not, or what the latest single is from so-n-so;  I like songs for their meaning, for the way they make me feel inside.   To me, music can can reach places that words alone simply can't. 

Over that past few weeks, I've been building a "worship" playlist on my phone's music player, and through doing that I have discovered something amazing:  when you fill your soul with music that glorifies God, that speaks of His love and His beauty, it starts to transform you.
I'm a fan of simple, uncomplicated music...just a piano and a beautiful voice, maybe a guitar...  When a voice so purely sings, "It is Well With My Soul", or, "In Christ Alone", or, "How He Loves" or etc., etc., etc...there is peace that infuses your soul, and through worshiping Him you feel His beauty and His power and His love flow into you. 

Ephesians 5:19 says, "Speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.  Sing and make music in your heart for the Lord..."
Psalm after psalm talks about singing to Lord about His love and His justice,  giving praise to Him in everything. 
God designed us to sing for Him;  He gave us music to worship, and through worship we draw closer to Him. 

I've been trying really hard lately to surround myself with things that draw my closer to God, not farther away;  psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs do that for me and they can for you too.  Maybe like me, God didn't give you the gift of an angelic voice, but He gave us hearts that desire to worship Him, and we can be blessed by the gift of those who can sing. 

If you've been feeling disconnected like I have these past few days, I encourage you to get back into having quiet times, one on one with God....and I also encourage you to fill your soul with songs of worship.  Music that glorifies God can transform your spirit, it can give you rest, and it can help you get back on track giving glory the One and Only deserving of our worship.   
I don't think it's by chance that church services start off with music;  worshiping God with our voices brings about peace in our hearts.  It opens us up to receive His message, and as we pour out our thanks and our praise to Him, He pours His love and His peace into us. 

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