Monday, August 13, 2012

The Good Stuff

My husband returned home last week; with great excitement and anticipation the boys and I got dressed up and headed to his squadron's hangar to watch his plane fly in.  I hate that Cory has to be away, but I love homecomings;  the sweetness of missing someone so much, and the joy you feel in your heart when they return is something pure and indescribable (and doubly amazing when shared with your children!).  We waited impatiently as the four planes landed and taxied to an area right in front of the hangar;  it took several minutes for the props to stop turning, but when they did, the stairs were lowered and the game of figuring out which daddy was which began.  We quickly spotted Cory, hugged him for an eternity, and then gathered his things to head home for a four day weekend. 

As I have said in earlier posts, this year has been a hard one for us;  hard is actually an understatement, but through God's grace and provision we have emerged from it stronger;  through obedience to Him we have survived and overcome that which threatened to destroy us.  I know that I am exactly where God wants me to be at this moment;  I know that He meant for our marriage to last.  Just as Joseph said to his brothers in Genesis 50:20, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done...", I feel that though the road we walked was horrendous, God intended to use it for His glory.  When we obey God, and when we follow His leading in our lives - no matter what the circumstances - He will work it out for His good, not only in our lives, but in the lives of those around us. 

We had a great four day weekend;  the boys had missed their daddy so much.  Our living room was turned into a wrestling ring, and all of that pent up boy energy started coming out.  Sometimes when they start playing rough, I can barely watch;  my delicate girl mind just can't quite comprehend the ways of boys, but they love it.  We had picnics and game nights, but I think the most fun we had was playing in the water in our backyard. 
It's been hot here, not the 100+ degree hot that many in our country are dealing with this summer, but it has been 90 degree hot, and for Southern California that's HOT especially without air conditioning!  Fortunately for the boys, we have a little water slide and pool in our backyard, and it has been getting quite a bit of use this year.  I sat back there yesterday watching my husband splashing the boys, dumping buckets of water on them, all of them just laughing hysterically, and I thought to myself, "This is the good stuff..."

 In many ways, life is more than hard, but every so often there are moments of pure joy.

Watching my boys having the time of their lives, I was reminded of everything we've come through this year, of God's great work in my heart and in our marriage, and I realized that had I chose not to obey Him, this moment of joy would not have happened.  When I listened for God's leading and chose to follow Him, He opened a flood gate in heaven, and He poured out a blessing onto our family (Malachi 3:10).  I am so thankful to Him for His faithfulness to me. 

It's Monday now, and real life started again bright and early this morning; while we have Cory home with us for a few more days, he still has to go to work, and I still have dishes, and laundry, and children to take care of.  Our weekend of respite is over, but the joy we shared together over those four days rejuvenated us as only the good stuff can, and the good thing about when fun times turn into memories is that they can last forever. 

James 1:17 says, "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." 

When you choose to trust in Him, when you lay all that you are and all that you are going through at His feet and say, "Lead me Father", and when you, in obedience, follow His leading, He is faithful; He will bless you in ways you can't begin to imagine.  When you understand that though life isn't a fairytale, and though things don't always end up the way you think they should, but yet you trust that God's plan is greater than yours, He will start to show you His goodness.  God isn't wishy-washy, He "does not change like shifting shadows."  He is true and steady, a light and a firm foundation;  He is our rock and our fortress, and He is more than able to pour out "the good stuff" when you step out in obedience to Him.

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