Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Cheap Cover-ups

We rent our house here in California.  It's decent for a rental and it's actually quite perfect for the stage we're at with our kids.  It's one level with three decent size bedrooms and two bathrooms;  it's comfortable but in no way modern or glamorous.  There are a few things I would change about it if I could:  the sliding closet doors have seen better days...they are constantly coming off the tracks, the cheap white paint on the walls shows EVERY dirty little hand print, and I would love to replace the shower door in the master bathroom.  I believe that door is at least 30 years old and it is completely icky;  the caulk is no longer white but rather a not-so-lovely orange/black color, the metal frame is dingy and it's crevices are caked with who knows what.  I have honestly tried to clean it...believe me, I have...but even after it's been cleaned it's just not a pretty sight.  It is livable, but not desirable.  I made a decision yesterday and immediately acted on it; my husband came home last night to find a cute, ruffly little shower curtain hanging up just in front of the ugly shower door.  When he asked me why I had felt the need to have a curtain there I said, "because I like things to be pretty and that shower is just not pretty!". 
This morning as I was getting ready for my day, I considered the shower again.  I thought about how easy the solution to my ugly shower problem was, how one curtain disguised the ickiness that I had been looking at for nearly a year.  The thing about the curtain though is that it doesn't solve the problem;  the curtain is just a cheap cover-up that will get me through our short time here in California.  To really solve the problem the owners of our house will have to invest in updating or replacing the offensive door...or perhaps hire someone with incredible cleaning skills!  
I got to thinking about the shower in terms of my heart.  I thought about the many times I've employed cheap cover-ups  to hide the ugliness I don't want others to know is there. Here's the thing though:  Cheap cover-ups don't last.  Eventually someone will pull the curtain aside and the true you will be exposed.  If you really want to fix the issue it will take some time and most likely some sacrifice on your part.  Remodeling your heart may cost you pride, friendships, or maybe the appearance of "coolness" in the eyes of the world...but I can honestly attest that it's worth it.  The things you may be called to give up pale in comparison to the end result, and all it takes, truly, is for you to ask God to bring about that change in your life.  You just need to ask Him to give you the strength to clean out the filth ...  He is the  Great Cleaner. 
Numbers 32:23 says, " sure your sin will find you out".  My mom used to quote this verse to me everyday during my teenage years (sometimes she still does even in my 30's).  There is so much truth in those 8 words;  sin can't be covered with a pretty cover-ups don't cut it.  The only thing that will fix the problem is going before God with a willing, open heart and sincerely asking Him to clean you...then and only then will He cover you with His pure, unconditional curtain of love and forgiveness. 
I still like my shower curtain.  I will keep it up for the remainder of our time here;  I like pretty things...who doesn't?  Today though I made a decision and I'm acting on it immediately:  no more cheap cover-ups in my heart.  I'm choosing to be real, to show it all ...mold included... and to daily ask the Great Cleaner to give me the strength to scrub out every icky part. 

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