Sunday, July 15, 2012

Let the Holy Spirit Be Your Guide

We purchased the movie Pinocchio several years ago, but it wasn't until recently that our boys took an interest in watching it.  A few months ago now, we watched it on one of our "family movie nights", and since then we have had quite a few discussions about what a "conscience" is.  In the movie, Jiminy Cricket is given the job of being Pinocchio's conscience;  he is supposed to guide Pinocchio and help him to make wise choices.  One of the catch phases of the movie is "always let your conscience be your guide";  the trick is, Pinocchio didn't always follow what his conscience told him...sound familiar?? 

For those of us who have put our faith and hope in Jesus Christ, our "conscience" is the Holy Spirit living in us.  When we profess that we are sinners in need a savior, and trust fully in Jesus Christ and in Him crucified...and raised from the dead...the Holy Spirit lives in our hearts, and He guides us...when we choose to listen. 
Even though we are "saved", and we can never lose our salvation, we still have a choice as to how we live our lives.  I can still sin, make mistakes, and do things completely contrary to what's really inside my heart because God has given me the freedom to do that.  Don't get me wrong, there are consequences for my stupidity, but the choice to listen to the Holy Spirit, or not, has always been mine to make.

Last night I spent several hours with some friends.  I left my youngest son with a sitter and brought my older two boys with me so that they could play with their friends.  I thought it would be easier, and I thought that I would be able to relax a bit without having to chase my energetic toddler around.  For the most part it worked out as planned, but I didn't factor in the possibility of fighting and cliche-iness amongst the older children.  I found myself slightly bent out of shape when my boys were told they weren't allowed to play simply because they were boys and all the other kids were girls.   My defenses went up, and my "protective mom shield" was deployed instantly...I mean, really, why can't everyone just play together??? 

We made it through the evening, and as I was tucking them into their beds we talked about loving everyone, including everyone, and having the courage to do your own thing when others are being mean and exclusive.  Goodnight kisses were given, prayers were said, and off to the kitchen I went to write about a subject that's near and dear to my heart, modesty.  Modesty is something I feel very convicted about;  it's something that I am passionate about, and it is dying in our society.  I wrote a whole post about it, referencing scripture and talking about convictions and stumbling blocks, but as you can see, I didn't post it.  Why?  Well, that voice inside of me, my conscience...the Holy Spirit...kept tugging at me;  the feeling that I was missing something was nagging in the back of my mind.  Here's what it was...  Last night as I was explaining compassion and love to my children who had been hurt by others, I almost missed the Holy Spirit's leading in my own heart.  It wasn't until this afternoon that it hit me...I'm trying to teach my kids about loving others no matter who they are or how different they might be from them, but I, myself, still hold prejudices against people.  I have my friends who are "like me", and I prefer to hang out with those I'm comfortable with, but those that I'm not...well...surely they can find someone else to hang out with...  That's not how God wants us to be though.

I sat by myself in church this morning;  my husband is gone, my friends are traveling, and even though I sat there in a room full of people, I felt utterly alone.  No one approached me, no one asked me how I was doing, no one invited me and the boys over for dinner some night...I love my church, but I keep wondering why doesn't it feel like a family to me?  Perhaps the answer lies in my own unwillingness to open up to people not like myself;  perhaps I'm not the only one who chooses to shut their ears when the Holy Spirit whispers, "Love one another as I have loved you" (John 15:12). 

I didn't publish my post on modesty because I want the Holy Spirit to be my guide, and today I felt Him convicting me of not practicing what I preach...of telling my kids to love and accept people while I am inwardly snobby and exclusive. 

The bible tells us in 1 Peter 4:8-10, "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.  Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.  Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms."
Did you really see what those verses say?  "Above all"...meaning "if you only get one thing out of my words...this is it!".  "Love each other deeply because love covers a multitude of sins"...this says put aside whatever you don't "get" about your fellow believer, and let it go because if you love like God loves, none of the nonsense really matters;  when you learn to love like God (as much as we can in our fallen world), your prejudices start to fall way.  "Offer hospitality without grumbling"...bells are ringing for me...this is where I without grumbling over what it costs you (time, money, pride, cool points)...that's how God wants us to love.  Then He tells us to use our gift to serve, being administers of "God's grace in various forms"...  What would the grace of God look like if we all put our likes and dislikes aside and just loved each other? 

Pinocchio had Jiminy Cricket to be the voice of his conscience, but as believers we have the Holy Spirit in our hearts;  He is a whole lot more powerful then a cartoon insect.  The Holy Spirit is the "gentle whisper" (1 Kings 19:12) that speaks to our souls, that guides us, and that gives us wisdom to navigate through this world.  The choice is yours as to whether you want to listen or not, but I am choosing to follow Him.  I'm confessing that I haven't loved deeply, I haven't offered hospitality without grumbling, and haven't been a faithful administer of God's grace. 
In the movie, Pinocchio has to prove himself "brave, truthful, and unselfish" to become a "real boy".  In real life, God doesn't require us to "prove" anything to Him;  His gift is free, but once we accept that gift He does ask that we live for Him.  His gift, when truly accepted, changes who you are;  the Holy Spirit becomes a part of you that never leaves no matter how far you try to run...  If you're far away, stop and listen for the "gentle whisper", you will hear it and when you do...follow it.  God loves you deeply, and His love will cover over all of your sins.  His love is perfect and all inclusive...His will for us is that we administer His love to everyone He puts in our path...whether they are "like us" or not. 

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