When I hear the word "religion" I think of stiff traditions; I think of doing things just to do them because they've always been done. I also think of rituals, and needing to perform them because somehow you think they will get you closer to God. For me personally, religion is thinking you can follow enough rules, go to enough church services, and check enough boxes in hopes that you will you pass some sort of test. Religion on its own means absolutely nothing; religion apart from faith is empty.
Religion is not necessarily a bad thing, but when rituals take the place of relationship, it is not beneficial. I go to church every week; I enjoy the fellowship and truly, I need it. Worshiping God in the presence of other believers keeps me accountable, it's a "spiritual checkup" of sorts for me, and I long for those precious hours in that sanctuary each week. Church is not what saves me though; baptism, though I have been baptized does not guarantee that I will be accepted into heaven; sharing in communion does not cleanse me from my sin. These traditions are things we do as an outward testament and remembrance of our Lord, but in and of themselves they are not necessary. What is necessary is faith, and yes, it is true that through faith you will most likely enter into some traditions, faith in Jesus is the pivotal key; apart from that, nothing else matters.
What is faith? To me, faith is relationship; it is becoming best friends with Jesus. Faith is believing in something, or someone you can't see. So how can you be best friends with someone you can't see? The beautiful mystery is that when you step out in faith, and put your trust in Him, His Spirit fills you, and you find that you don't have to physically see Him to truly feel Him. Faith is a choice I make each day. There are days that I fail miserably, but the big picture is that by faith I asked Jesus to save me, to free me from my sin, to forgive me, and to live in me as I live for Him. He is my Savior, and though religion will someday pass away, my faith in Jesus never will.
Faith will most certainly lead to action in my life; though works are not necessary for salvation, faith without action is not really faith at all (James 2:14). You see, when a believer truly lives a life of faith, it exudes into every part of their life; when you live by the Spirit and trust in His leading, you will find yourself doing works you never would have thought you would do. The thing we need to remember though is that no amount of action, works, or 'religion' will set us apart for eternity in heaven; salvation is a free gift, it is laden with love, and all that it requires is a heart willing to receive it (Ephesians 2:8-9).
God doesn't ask me to pray a specific prayer five times a day, he doesn't ask me to kneel in front of a statue, or to light a candle, and He doesn't tell me that, as a woman, I must wear a skirt instead of pants to worship Him... He just asks me to trust Him, to put my faith in Him, and to have a relationship with Him. He gave His life for me, for you, and for all who believe and trust in Him. It's a free gift open to all who are willing; are you willing?
Faith is the air that gets me through each day; that's how I describe it in my own life. Without religion I would get by, but without faith I would be lost; without faith there is death and more death, but with faith there is life and more life (Romans 6:23, James 1:12).
This world seeks to bring people down; wealth is empty, sin is rampant, and evil intent seeps through every crevice it can. What is true? Who is trustworthy? What is love? Forgiveness? Where is hope found? What is the meaning behind this life? What lies after death? Religion alone can't answer these questions. If you want to have peace, have trust, and find hope, turn to Jesus and begin a life of faith in Him.
My faith is in Jesus Christ, and the more time I spend with Him, talking, listening, and reading His word, the more His love pours out of me.
Life on this earth is fleeting and empty without faith, but the life of faith is rich, and full, and eternal.
Living by faith will fill you with hope and love; faith doesn't promise that life will be easy, in fact it may even be harder, but when you put your life in Jesus' hands He will bring you peace and see you through each and every trial.
Religion is temporary; faith and life in Jesus is eternal.
I've discovered something very important this year: If I truly believe that eternity is real, if I honestly believe in heaven and hell, and if I really am living a life of faith in Jesus, I have to share it. God has put people in my life for a reason, and in every relationship and every situation that comes my way, by faith I should exclaim who He is. I have failed to do that so many times in the past, and I will most likely fail here and there in the future, but as I grow closer to Him and as my faith gets stronger, His strength fills me and His voice within me is getting louder and louder. I want my friend to know that my faith is who I am, it really is what defines me; I'm not perfect, and I do fail, but in the end Jesus forgives my failures, He picks me up, dusts me off, and leads me forward.
What do you believe in? Where do you put your faith? Where is your hope found? Do you want to live a life of love? Do you believe there is more to this life than what you can see? Can you feel eternity in your heart?
Seek Jesus, and you will find the answers and the peace that your heart is longing for.